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My Journey to Becoming a GI Nutrition Expert Episode 8

My Journey to Becoming a GI Nutrition Expert

· 12:11

Ever wondered who’s behind Grounded Root Nutrition? 🤔🌿

Join me, Amy McCrea, registered dietitian and CEO of Grounded Root Nutrition, as I share my personal journey and the experiences that shaped my career in nutrition. In this episode, you’ll get to know me better and understand the passion behind my work.

Here’s what we’ll cover:

My Early Life: Moving across the country and the impact it had on my upbringing.
Health Challenges: From childhood asthma to GI issues and beyond.
Career Path: How my love for animals led me to vet tech, and eventually to nutrition.
Family Life: Balancing motherhood, health issues, and career changes.
Grounded Root Nutrition: The evolution of my business and its focus on GI health.

I’ll also share anecdotes from my bakery days, my journey through multiple diagnoses, and the passion that drives my practice today.

Ready to get to know me and see how my journey can relate to yours? Visit GroundedRootNutrition.com for more information, explore my blog for additional resources, and connect with me directly at hello@groundedrootnutrition.com.

Don’t forget to follow the podcast for more personal stories and valuable health tips! 🌟


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